✅ 7 Weeks Of Unlimited Large Group Personal Training Where You Will Burn Calories,
Shed Fat, And Build Muscle
✅ Before & After Photos
✅ Exclusive Access To Our Private Facebook Support Group Where
You Will Receive Daily Motivation And Support From Our Elite Trainers And Other Challengers
✅ At Home Fitness (HD) Videos For Extra Credit
✅ In-Body Before & After Composition Scans
✅ Nutrition Guide
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Winner will be selected by the BodyRoc team 7 days after the challenge ends and will be notified by email to confirm prize acceptance.
- Published in community, events, Fitness, Full Body Workouts, Group Fitness Classes
How to Crush Your New Year Fitness Resolution
You know how it works. Every year on December 31st you make the same resolution to finally get fit. Come January 1st, you go all in. You’re motivated, dedicated, and consistent. Then, somewhere along the way, something happens, and your fitness resolution begins to fall by the wayside. Don’t feel guilty – it happens to everyone. Come February, only a third of those who made a resolution still stick with it. Overall, only about 9% of resolutioners report success with accomplishing their goals.
So what’s the secret? What’s the difference between the person who reaches their fitness resolution and the one who crashes and burns? There’s actually a couple of tricks that will help keep you motivated and focused along the way.
Get Real
Want to know one of the biggest keys to reaching your fitness resolution? It all starts with being real and honest with yourself. Make a realistic goal, and set realistic expectations. If you’ve never stepped one sneakered foot on a treadmill before, it may be unrealistic to expect to look like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson by the time summer rolls around. Instead, give yourself something more manageable to work with. For instance, if your ultimate goal is to get fit, then start small by resolving to hit a few group fitness classes per week. Once you manage to do that consistently, you can broaden your horizons because you’ll already be on the path to success.
Book It
Our daily schedules tend to naturally inflate to fit the space we give them. But, in order to fulfill your fitness resolution, you need to give exercise the same high priority you give to the other things in your life that you value.
You schedule a massage, an appointment for a hairdresser or barber, and even a visit with the doctor. These are all instances of making time for self-care. Exercise is one of an essential form of self-care, and therefore should be treated as such. It’s your daily or weekly appointment with yourself where you focus on self-improvement.
You’re making a commitment to bettering your health and extending your life, so honor it. Block out time in your schedule for a workout. Write it on your calendar or set a reminder on your phone. Ensuring you have that time reserved and free of disruptions will help give it significance, not only in your daily schedule but also in your brain.
Switch It Up
One of the major reasons that people start to slack off on their fitness resolution is boredom. Going to the gym can be monotonous. You run like a hamster in a wheel for a little while and then you go pick heavy things up and put them back down. Even a disciplined weightlifter eventually gets bored.
If you want to keep the workouts going strong, then switch up your routine! If lifting weights bores you and you hate the treadmill, do something different. High-intensity group fitness classes are a great option because they’re uptempo and exercises are constantly changing within the workout. By the time you get used to punching the bag, it’s time to switch to weightlifting, or sprints on the treadmill. You’re working on something new every day, which really staves off the boredom.
Bring a Buddy
Maybe you get too distracted, bored, or frustrated when you try to workout on your own. Or, perhaps you’re too intimidated to try a group class alone for the first time. If it helps you stick to your fitness resolution, try bringing a friend along with you! Having a “partner in crime” tag along with you will help you feel comfortable when testing the waters in a new, possibly foreign environment. You can encourage and support each other through the workout.
The buddy system isn’t only reserved for friends, either. If you want something new to do with bae, try turning up the heat with a group fitness class! Did you know that exercising with your significant other can actually serve to increase your bond together? If your partner enjoys it, that will only serve to motivate the both of you to continue!
Don’t Be Too Hard on Yourself
No matter what, remember to cut yourself some slack. If you’ve been dedicated to your exercise and you’ve been eating all the right things, then don’t be too hard on yourself if you miss a workout here and there. Life gets in the way sometimes – we all know that. Don’t let yourself get discouraged too quickly. Maybe you thought you’d see faster results, or maybe you’re upset because you couldn’t push your workout as hard today as you did the day before. One bad day isn’t the precursor to ultimate failure. The most important part is being able to get back on your feet. Some people take one misstep and let it snowball out of control until they’ve completely fallen off the wagon.
The difference between someone who achieves their fitness resolution and someone who doesn’t is the ability to recognize that living fit is a lifestyle, not a means to an end. Fitness is a mindset. It’s doing right by yourself. Inevitably, everyone falls off the horse. The key to success is getting back on with more dedication and a better focus on your ultimate goal.
Ready to Finally Crush Your Fitness Resolution?
If you’re ready to stop messing around and finally get into the best shape of your life, you need to come out to BodyRoc Fit Lab in West Hartford, CT. The brainchild and passion project of renowned fitness instructor Shaun Chambers, BodyRoc is the ultimate high-intensity group fitness class that is guaranteed to build muscle, torch body fat, and give you the best workout you’ve ever had. The classes at BodyRoc are all inclusive, whether you’re a beginner or an expert, male or female. Check out the class schedule, and reserve your spot! Got questions? We’ve got answers! Give us a shout today!
- Published in Fitness
Fall Motivation
Oh the sweet smell of pumpkin spice and brisk air is finally approaching and with it, we are all trying to fight the dreadful lack of motivation during the fall/winter months. As a student myself, I often find that the beginning of the semester completely puts my routine through a Total KnockOut. Juggling classes, work, assignments, a social life can prove to be a challenge especially when adding a fitness component. I can only imagine what it’s like for those of us who are parents!
While I can go on and on about the difficulties and setbacks of maintaining a fitness routine, I’d rather try and get us all motivated and energized to accept this challenge and overcome it. After all, abs for the summer are best made during the winter and I think all of us at BodyRoc can prove this theory right!
**Hartford Marathon’s First Circuit Downtown**
I know what it’s like to take a semester off from BodyRoc and the feeling of having to get back into the swing of things is never a good time. The first thing to do whenever there’s a drastic change in your routine, whether it’s college or your kids are in school, is to allow the time to adjust to this new schedule. Allow yourself this time to figure out all the logistics. As a student, I always did too much and overwhelmed myself which lead to me canceling classes and falling behind on my fitness goals. With this new approach I am able to figure out the times and days that work best for me to attend BodyRoc sessions and meal prep for the week. It also helps a great deal when I plot out these days and times on a physical calendar as reminders. For those of us who need visual tools to get us going this is a great approach to keep you motivated.
Lean on one another for support. I can’t stress the sense of community at BodyRoc enough and I’m certain that you are not alone in your struggles to balance life and stay motivated. All of us have many things going on, we have members with children, we have students, we have individuals who are training for body building competitions and marathons. A lot of us are finding the time outside of life priorities to stay committed to working out, so talk to someone and build a support team; who knows you may be able to find a workout buddy!
One of the great benefits of BodyRoc is the ability to accommodate us all. At BodyRoc, we have early morning classes and evening classes for those who prefer to get their sweat on after work. Our trainers and the occasional member will share workout videos that can be utilized at home or in those moments where you couldn’t make it to the gym! If that doesn’t work, did I mention that there’s private Mitt Training offered at BodyRoc?Take advantage and most importantly, stay committed to your goals. Summer 2019 will be here before you know it!
Stay Motivated,
Danny, A dedicated BodyRoc’er
- Published in community, events, Fitness, Full Body Workouts, Group Fitness Classes
Hartford Marathon’s First Circuit Downtown!
The first ever Circuit Downtown was pioneered by three reputable gyms in Connecticut and included our very own gym, BodyRoc FitLab. Joining Shaun Chambers on the stage were representatives of Sudor Taino and WIP Fitness who were each given 20 minutes to show what their signature workout is all about. As I made my way through Bushnell Park to the pavilion, I felt the excitement and energy from all of the participants building as they stretched and prepared for these three incredible workouts.
The Circuit Downtown was a first of its kind event put together by The Hartford Marathon Foundation. Held right in the heart of Hartford, participants were able to experience three gyms, three targeted workouts and three different trainers. Talk about bang for your buck! It was an event like no other and it’s safe to say that participants left the circuit not only satisfied and sweaty, but sore for days to come; ladies and gentlemen, that’s what we at the FitLab like to call, GAINS! It’s just another Tuesday for the Roc Squad!
The BodyRoc presence was strong as many familiar faces showed up and practically filled the entire left side of the stage. As I worked my way through the crowd, it was also great to see new faces enjoying what we get to enjoy daily at our gym! As a spectator, I commend and applaud the members of BodyRoc FitLab! You guys are BEASTS. As I witnessed individuals leave midway into the circuit, each member of BodyRoc stood the entire time, even with the surprise fourth workout from the military! There’s nothing BodyRoc members can’t handle and we can thank Shaun for constant reminders and push to achieve our goals, both as a group and on an individual level!
This circuit gave me a glimpse into the world of fitness and really showed me, as I’m sure many of you, why BodyRoc is the Most Entertaining Workout. The concept is not only innovative and creative, it’s also fun and exciting to be part of this Squad! While I enjoyed all three sets, I’m perfectly content getting my fitness on and poppin’ with Shaun and the Roc Squad! You guys are LIT!
Stay tuned for more community events that BodyRoc takes part in! It’s great to see the team out and about in the community and as a member of this squad, I would love to see more of that going on in the future!
Happy Gatherings,
Danny Alvarado, A dedicated BodyRoc’er
- Published in community, events, Fitness, Full Body Workouts, Group Fitness Classes
After years of fantasizing about being in shape like the glory days of high school, Dustin knew it was finally time to give up Diet Coke and unhealthy foods in order to make some real changes in his life. Introducing our AUGUST ROCSTAR OF THE MONTH, Dustin!
Dustin’s Testimonial:
With a healthier state of mind, I have grown the confidence to complete physical feats that I never dreamed of…joining Krav Maga and passing my first belt, trying and continuing Parkour classes, completing a Spartan Sprint, and recently finishing in the top 30% of a Spartan Super on Blue Mountain in Pennsylvania. On top of that, I have completely changed my lifestyle through three 7 week shred challenges, dropping a terrible addiction to Diet Coke, changing my diet organically, and making my scale go from 230 to 195 lbs.
Now, I have my eye on the renowned Spartan Beast on Mt. Killington in Vermont and a Tri-State Tougher Mudder alongside none other than BodyRoc’s founder, Shaun Chambers..feats that were only previously a pipe dream. If it isn’t obvious, BodyRoc has completely changed my life..Thank You!
- Published in Fitness, Full Body Workouts, Group Fitness Classes, HIIT
Mitt Training Program – Now Available!
I’m sure many of you have seen the photos and videos of BodyRoc’s new mitt training program offered by trainer Gil Pinero. I spoke to Gil, a 15-year professional in MMA fighting, boxing and kick boxing and he shared the benefits of this training. The training in itself will offer members a dynamic approach to the world of boxing and as Gil mentioned, the intent is to make sure you leave each training better than when you came in.
I had the opportunity to experience the mitt training back when it was being introduced during Friday’s KnockOut classes. I quickly learned that it is a great addition to the heavy bag training. For starters, you’re working with another physical being that is giving you instructions on what punches to throw. These instructions switch rapidly so it keeps you sharp and on your toes as oppose to following a combo. There’s a lot more movement in this training that you wouldn’t get in front of a heavy bag. It’s also the perfect opportunity to learn the correct way to throw a punch. After my first mitt training, I realized that I had been throwing my cross punch wrong and it was Gil who corrected me. The next time I worked with the heavy bag, I felt more confident and stronger.
The heavy bag is a great tool to prepare you for mitt training at BodyRoc FitLab. It allow you to unleash a lot of power, speed and enhance your footwork, which can all be applied during your one on one with Gil; you’ll be able to navigate through those 30 minutes like a champ!
This added training, like any session at BodyRoc FitLab, is what you make of it. The more you put into this training, the more calories you’ll burn…the more muscle you’ll gain! 30 minutes of intense mitt training is equivalent to an hour on the Trueform treadmill! The key element to mitt training is that Gil will make you sweat and work hard. As Gil says, “Having me in front of you, I will drive you, I will push you!” and it’s something he stays committed to during your training. On the heavy bag, you are your worst enemy and there’s no one on the opposite end to keep you moving or saying, “Throw that punch harder!”
Gil will analyze and adjust your training to not only make you better but stronger than before.
If you’re interested in signing up, send an click here to send an email with your your desired date/time and she will check Gil’s availability to confirm your session. Each sessions is $60.00 for 30 minutes of one on one training. This will be a great addition to those who are seeking an extra push during the 7-Week Summer Shred Challenge.
Happy Training,
Danny Alvarado, A dedicated BodyRoc’er
- Published in Fitness
This busy mom and attorney has been crushin’ her workouts at our BodyRoc FitLab Avon studio since February 2018. With almost 100 classes under her belt and 15 lbs down with the guidance of our nutrition program, the Diet Doc Great Hartford, we’re pleased to announce our JULY ROCSTAR OF THE MONTH, Keisha!
Keisha’s Testimonial:
“Group training has never been my thing until I tried BodyRoc FitLab. The trainers are excellent, the environment is welcoming, motivating and fun. Every morning, I look forward to my 5:30am workouts because my trainers and squad will not let me fail.”
- Published in Fitness, Full Body Workouts, Group Fitness Classes, HIIT
Tips for Surviving a 7 Week Challenge
With just a few days left until the 7 Week Summer Shred Challenge, everyone is getting ready to embark on a fun and exciting journey to reach their fitness goals. The challenge, which consists of 7-weeks of high energy and high intensity workouts, is one to ensure all levels of fitness goals are met. This time around, you can win yourself a 3-day cruise to the Bahamas!
I’ve participated in two challenges in the past and I’ve felt the highs, lows and all the in betweens of this challenge and can assure you that it is all worth it in the end. Although it’s a challenge, and at the end one male and one female will come out on top, sailing off to the Bahamas–did I mention winners get a 3-day cruise to the Bahamas? — I can’t help but feel this challenge builds a form of comradery between members.
So, whether you’ve already signed up for the challenge, or are on the fence about joining, I’ve compiled a short list of advice and tips to help you through the seven weeks:
Attend as many classes as you can; part of the challenge is you get 7-weeks of unlimited group personal training! Capitalize on this by booking the sessions, show up and show out! You will reap the benefits when you’re reviewing your before and after photos and body composition scans at the end.
Talk to other members and trainers. You’ll be surprised at the amount of knowledge everyone has. From nutrition, to workouts, to your actual body scan results, BodyRoc has extensive knowledge to help you reach your goals. When you sign up, you gain exclusive access to a private Facebook support group. This is a great place to form connections, ask questions and see what everyone is doing as far as workouts and meal ideas. You’ll also get motivation and videos from BodyRoc’s experienced trainers!
Nutrition is KEY! They say abs are made in the kitchen, and I have to agree. I’ve worked out so much but my diet was never at the same level of commitment. When I made diet changes I noticed even more results. Find a diet/meal plan that works for you and stick to it. BodyRoc has partnered with The Diet Doc Greater Hartford to provide an awesome deal on nutrition plans: for $150.00 (a 40% savings) you’ll receive a 1:1 consultation, customized meal plan, summary reviews and email updates from The Diet Doc. This bonus can have you sailing off to the Bahamas! For more information visit The Diet Doc Greater Hartford.
Most importantly, HAVE FUN! There’s a reason why BodyRoc is The Most Entertaining Workout. Reason being, in between the moments of running, lifting and boxing, the music fills the room and you can’t help but to have a dance off with one of the trainers, or with the person next to you.
The 7-Week Summer Shred Challenge kicks off on Sunday, June 17th. Be sure to speak to the welcome desk the next time you’re at the lab about signing up. I look forward to seeing you kick ass and getting the results you are so deserving of!
Happy Shredding!
Danny Alvarado, A Dedicated BodyRoc’er
- Published in Fitness
Announcing our JUNE ROCSTAR OF THE MONTH, Soly!
Soly began her fitness journey with BodyRoc FitLab almost a year ago, and since then, has not only transformed her life, but has regained control of it.
Soly’s Testimonial:
“I found gyms boring and lost interest fast. Once I joined BodyRoc, my perception of fitness as a whole changed.
I was looking for a quick way to lose weight and what I got was a process I fell in love with. I started seeing results when I stopped viewing the “gym” as a trend and instead, a lifestyle, and incorporated BodyRoc into my daily routine. BodyRoc makes fitness fun and encourages you to not only reach your goals, but surpass them. I am thankful for the changes (38 pounds lost!!) and the motivation from all of the trainers who always challenge me to bring my “A” game no matter what! BodyRoc Rocks!”
- Published in Fitness, Full Body Workouts, Group Fitness Classes, HIIT
7 Week Summer Shred Challenge
7 Weeks Of Unlimited Large Group Personal Training Where You Will Burn Calories,
Shed Fat, And Build Muscle
Before & After Photos
Exclusive Access To Our Private Facebook Support Group Where You Will Receive Daily Motivation And Support From Our Elite Trainers And Other Challengers
At Home Fitness Videos For Extra Credit
In-Body Before & After Composition Scans
Add the Rapid Results 50 Day Nutrition Program by The Diet Doc Greater Hartford – PAY ONLY $150 ( a 40% savings!)
The 50 Day Nutrition Program Includes:
– 30 minute consultation
– Access to The Diet Doc media library
– Customized program
– Sample meal plan
– Weekly summary reviews
- Published in Fitness, Full Body Workouts, Group Fitness Classes, HIIT