Are you ready to CRUSH 2019? Change your life with our 7 WEEK WINTER SHRED CHALLENGE that guarantees results! Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned BODYROC’er, our program is designed to help you transform into the best version of …YOU! TWO LUCKY WINNERS WILL RECEIVE A…12 MONTH UNLIMITED MEMBERSHIP TO THE FITLAB! – – – – –
- Published in community, events, Fitness, Full Body Workouts, Group Fitness Classes
How to Crush Your New Year Fitness Resolution
You know how it works. Every year on December 31st you make the same resolution to finally get fit. Come January 1st, you go all in. You’re motivated, dedicated, and consistent. Then, somewhere along the way, something happens, and your fitness resolution begins to fall by the wayside. Don’t feel guilty – it happens to
- Published in Fitness
Fall Motivation
Oh the sweet smell of pumpkin spice and brisk air is finally approaching and with it, we are all trying to fight the dreadful lack of motivation during the fall/winter months. As a student myself, I often find that the beginning of the semester completely puts my routine through a Total KnockOut. Juggling classes, work,
- Published in community, events, Fitness, Full Body Workouts, Group Fitness Classes
Hartford Marathon’s First Circuit Downtown!
The first ever Circuit Downtown was pioneered by three reputable gyms in Connecticut and included our very own gym, BodyRoc FitLab. Joining Shaun Chambers on the stage were representatives of Sudor Taino and WIP Fitness who were each given 20 minutes to show what their signature workout is all about. As I made my way
- Published in community, events, Fitness, Full Body Workouts, Group Fitness Classes